What we do and Why we do it

What we do and Why we do it

We firmly believe that a safe happy child is a safe happy future. More than ever before our children will benefit from learning more about their inner world as well as the importance of their place here on Earth too. The classes we run are dynamic and flexible, meeting the needs of all of our children. Classes include instruction and participation in areas such as: >Meditation and guided visualisation, >Energetics, >Colour therapy and chakra balancing, >Affirmations, >Totem animals >Neurolinguistic programming and EFT. Our classes are fun and designed to provide your child with their own toolkit to remain grounded, safe and provide a sense of self sovereignty. As well as this they are are also useful for children to pull on during times of transition, change and when life proves to be challenging. It doesn’t matter if you are new to meditation or have years of experience, we promise that every student will receive individual care and attention that is suited to them.